Carlo Carandang is a data scientist and psychiatrist, paving the way for AI and Big Data in government and psychiatry.

AI and Big Data in Psychiatry
In this era of rapidly increasing demand for mental health services with shrinking budgets, Carlo’s work investigates the application of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning algorithms, and Big Data systems to improve psychiatric care to patients at reduced cost. In his previous role as a data scientist for KARV Data Consulting Ltd, Carlo actively researched and built AI applications for clinical psychiatric use.
Big Data has come to psychiatry. Via invited Big Data in Psychiatry talks, such as the recent 2019 Presidential Symposium in Washington, DC, and media coverage, Carlo attempts to guide the narrative of what Big Data really is, and how it can help psychiatrists to deliver better care to patients at lower cost.
In Carlo’s talks to psychiatrists and mental health clinicians, he discusses the ways that Big Data produced from clinical psychiatric activity can improve clinical care at reduced cost via clinical predictions (Predictive Modeling), more accurate classifications of presentations outside of clinical guidelines (Computational Phenotyping), case-based reasoning (Patient Similarity), hypothesis generation for Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) to further inform clinical guidelines (all AI applications), and clinical workflow automation from extractive summarization of clinical notes (Natural Language Processing [NLP] and Deep Learning), just to name a few.
Carlo’s presentation is also an introduction and overview of Big Data, Big Data systems, machine learning algorithms, and AI applications in psychiatric practice. This presentation is about innovative thinking and bringing a new technology/technique to clinical psychiatric practice. Not focused exclusively on Big Pharma topics, Big Data in psychiatry can focus on innovative practice, that encompasses all treatment modalities and clinical workflows.
Carlo has been invited to numerous talks, workshops, and Grand Rounds on psychiatry and Big Data. Previously a clinical researcher, faculty member, and psychiatry attending at multiple medical schools and hospitals in Texas, Vermont, Maine, and Nova Scotia, he has multiple research grants looking into improving psychiatric treatment, and also has multiple publications in leading psychiatric and medical journals, on the topics of psychiatric treatment, anxiety, and depression. Other academic endeavors includes institutional committee work and medical journal editing/reviewing work.
Carlo now spends his days working with Big Data, building algorithms, and building AI applications for business and clinical use.
AI and Big Data in Government
Carlo has recently taken a government job to lead innovation, AI, and Big Data systems in a large government agency. Carlo’s expertise in delivering AI and Big Data concepts to Psychiatry has served as the foundation to deliver these same AI and Big Data concepts to government. To Carlo and others in this area, government and innovation should not be an oxymoron. AI and Big Data can be integrated into large government enterprise systems with the right team leading it. Carlo and his team are attempting such complex feat.
Recent Talks
Carlo Carandang, MD, MSc will present Building Data Science Capacity in Your New Role as an Enterprise Data Scientist on April 25, 2023, for the 2023 Professional Development Summit held at Saint Mary’s, University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Carlo Carandang, MD, MSc presented Big Data in Psychiatry: An Introduction and Overview on August 9-10, 2019, for the 2019 Summer CME Meeting held at the Omni Amelia Island Plantation Resort, Florida, sponsored by the Georgia Psychiatric Physicians Association (GPPA).

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