
All about depression and depressive disorders.

How to Recover Social Media Share Counts when Migrating from HTTP to HTTPS

I recently transitioned my website,, from HTTP to HTTPS. When I completed that migration to a more secure website, all my social media counts were reset to zero! When migrating from HTTP to HTTPS, the migrated website is considered…
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My Review Of KalmPro

Anxiety affects millions of people, but not everyone with anxiety needs prescription medications. Prescription medications for anxiety include antidepressants and benzodiazepines. However, antidepressants and benzodiazepines have multiple, significant side effects, and are expensive. Indeed, a recent study has questioned the…
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What Treatments Help For Treatment Resistant Depression?

Treatment resistant depression (TRD), also known as treatment refractory depression, is defined as failure to respond to 1st and 2nd line treatments. The first question to consider is if the diagnosis of major depressive disorder is correct. It may be…
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Depressive Disorders

Depressive disorders are characterized by low moods, feeling blue, or having apathy on exposure to a painful situation such as loss, disappointment, relationship problems, financial difficulties, and/or trauma. Bereavement, also known as grief, is differentiated from depression, in that bereavement…
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