Newton, A. (Principal Investigator), Baxter, P., Carandang, C. (Co-Investigator), Curtis, S., Fitzpatrick, E., Jabbour, M., Johnson, D., Joyce, A., Ohinmaa, A., Rosychuk, R., Young, M. Developing an internet-based program for anxious youth who visit the emergency department for mental health care: a strategy to increase access to post-crisis care. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2012.
Carandang, C. (Principal Investigator and Supervisor) and Chuang, H. (student). Patient and Family Satisfaction in an Urgent Psychiatric Service at the IWK Health Centre. IWK Summer Studentship, $2,500, 2011
Cappelli, M., Newton, A. (Co-Principal Investigator), Carandang, C. (Co-Principal Investigator), Ali, S., Cloutier, P., Dong, K., Fitzpatrick, E., Gokiert, R., Gray, C., Kennedy, A., Lyons, J., McGrath, P., Osmond, M., Rosychuk, R., Sinclair, D. Emergency Mental Health Services for Children and Youth: A multi-site study of clinical indicators for patient needs, decision-making, and service delivery. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, $100,000, 2010-2011.
Totton, J., Carandang, C. (Co-investigator). Zopiclone vs. trazodone vs. quetiapine for inpatient psychiatric adolescents with insomnia. Medbuy $7,500, 2010.
Carandang, C. (Principal Investigator and Sponsor) and Robbins, D: Lamotrigine for treatment-refractory depression in adolescents: a placebo-controlled, crossover study. GlaxoSmithKline, $362,511, 2004-2005.
Robbins, D. and Carandang, C. (Co-Investigator): Treatment-resistant mood disorders in children and adolescents: clinical characteristics and implications for treatment. Maine Medical Center Research Institute, $15,000, 2003.