Media Appearances and/or Coverage of my Work: 14

The Atlantic (October 18, 2019): Carlo Carandang on A Strange New Culprit Behind Eating Disorders.
PubFacts (July 17, 2019): Carlo Carandang: Featured Researcher.
ProPrivacy (June 5, 2019): Carlo Carandang on Data Privacy: is it a mental health issue?
ProPrivacy (May 8, 2019): Carlo Carandang on Who should be liable for medical errors caused by AI?
PsychCentral (October 8, 2018): Carlo Carandang on Sexual Dysfunction Persists After Discontinuing Antidepressants.
PsychCentral (July 8, 2018): Carlo Carandang on Anxiety, Depression and College Students.
PsychCentral (July 8, 2018): Carlo Carandang on Beware of Anxiety Scams on the Internet.
Nature World News(July 6, 2016): Carlo Carandang Video featured on Can Microbes Affect Your Mood? When Gut Bacteria Feed on Brain Chemicals.
PsychCentral (January 30, 2016): Carlo Carandang on The Neurobiology of Panic Attacks.
PsychCentral (October 31, 2015): Carlo Carandang on The Truth About SSRI Meds, Serotonin and Anxiety.
PsychCentral (September 21, 2015): Carlo Carandang on Paxil Study 329 Retracted: How Psychiatry Got Bought Out by Big Pharma.
PsychCentral (August 31, 2015): Carlo Carandang on Do We Really Need Another Classification System in Psychiatry?
Stanford University (February 10, 2015): Carlo Carandang on How to Fight Anxiety and Depression in College Students.
Maine PBS (November 28, 2001): Carlo Carandang on Impact of Trauma on Children & Adolescents, Saco, Maine. Televised public presentation aired from November to December 2001. Sponsored by Southern Maine Medical Center, post-September 11th.